Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Vocab Blog #13

1. Auspicious- favorable
(ah-spish-chus) Latin
My dinner was very auspicious; I could eat it every night.

2. Expedite- to hasten
(ex-peh-diet) Middle English
I wish teacher's would expedite their lectures.

3. Extenuating- providing a good excuse
(ex-tin-yoo-ate-ing) Middle English
When the teacher checks for homework, he hears a lot of students extenuating for where their homework is.

4. Fraudulent- deceitful
(frah-dull-ent) Middle English
Suspects have to take a test that sees if they're being fraudulent.

5. Innuendo- a suggestion
(in-yoo-en-do) Latin
When Daniel makes an innuendo, he gets shot down.

6. Rebuke- to criticize
(re-booke)  Middle English
Many girls rebuke other girls.

7. Redeem- to make up for past errors
(re-deem) Middle English.
Daniel tried to redeem himself by being quiet.

8. Subordinate- lower than
(sub-bor-din-ate) Medieval Latin
People hate when others subordinate them.

9. Transgress- to commit an offense
(trans-gress) Latin
Many people transgress against the law.

10. Vehement- strong
(vee-uh-muhnt) Latin
Wrestlers are very vehement.

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