Sunday, April 21, 2013

Vocab Blog #10

1. Incinerator- an apparatus for burning waste material.
(in-sin-ur-rate-ur) unknown
Firemen in Fahrenheit 451 use an incinerator for books.

2. Dimension- an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.
(di men shun) Middle English
Looking at the dimension of a crime, is what cops do.
Dimension J
3. Dramatize- to adapt or present.
(dra muh tie ze) 16 century
The drama club has to dramatize an original play.

sometimes you over-dramatize to get your way. what a hurtful thing to say! like a stab in the heart. i might as well die. sorry

4. Needle- a pin
(knee dle) German/Gree
My Mema uses a needle to sew her own clothes.

5. Shagged- useless
(shagd) Brit informal
The house after the fire was shagged
6. Tendon- a flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone.
(ten-dun) Greek

7. Boulevard- a wide street in a town or city, typically lined with trees.
(bull e vard) German
I walked down the boulevard in New York late at night.

8. Slum- an overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people
(sluhm) Latin
When I was walking down the boulevard, I noticed a slum.

9. Allot- to give someone a task.
(a lät) Old French
Blair Waldorf allots Doratia 24/7.

10. Trajectory- the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.
(truh ject tur ee)
Can you use it in a sentence please?

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