Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vocab #7

1. Obstreperous- noisy and difficult to control
(ahb-streperes) Latin
Boys are obstreperous.
2. Invective- insulting, abusive, or highly critical.
(in-vektiv) Middle English
Teenage girls can be invective.
3. Apoplectic- overcome with anger
(apo-plektik)  French
Boys are easily apoplectic when their favorite team loses.
4. Philippic- a bitter attack or denunciation 
(felipik) Latin
Many parents receive philippic's from their kids.
5. Benign- gentle, kindly. 
(binīn) Middle English
The mother was benign to her newborn baby.

6. Arbor- a device holding a tool in lathe.
(ärber) French
Many men have arbor's for their tools.
7. Magisterial- having or showing great authority.
(majestilerēal) medieval Latin
Bullies are magisterial.
8. Benevolent- well meaning and kindly.
(benevelent) Middle English
Some friends try to come off benevolent, but don't.
9. Hitherto- until now or until the point in time under discussion
(hitherotōō) unknown origination
10. Primitive- having a quality or style that offers an extremely basic level of comfort, convenience, or efficiency.
(primetiv) Middle English

Vocab #6

1. Arbitrate- to reach an authoritative judgement or settlement
(ärbi-trāt) Latin
The board has the power to arbitrate in disputes.
2. Palette- the range of colors used by a particular artist or in a particular picture
(palit) French
Artists use palettes while painting pictures.
3. Skeeter- a mosquito 
(skēter) mid 19th century 
4. Triumphant- victorious 
(trī'emfent) Middle English
The blue team was triumphant in winning the game of kickball.
5. Phenomenon- a remarkable person, thing, or event
(fe-näme-nän) Latin/Greek
Chocolate is a phenomenal thing.

6. Devilry- wicked activity 
(develrē) unknown origination 
Witches are known for devilry. 
7. Whittle- to wear something away
(witl) mid 16th century
Rain whittles away soil.

8. Quell- put an end to rebellion or disorder
(kwel) Old English/Germanic
In Project X, the police had to quell the party. 

9. Aloof- not friendly or forthcoming
(alōōf) mid 16th century
Scout is not aloof to many people she doesn't know.
10. Browbeat- to intimidate
(brou-bēt) unknown origination
Atticus was accused of browbeating Mayella. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Vocab #5

1. Analogy- a comparison
(uh-nal-uh-jee) Latin
On the reading EOG, I saw a lot of analogy's:  car:adult and crawling:baby
2.Annihilate- to destroy
(uh-nahy-uh-leyt) Middle English
The Gladiators use to annihilate other Gladiators for the entertainment of other people. 

3. Criterion- judging or criticism 
(krahy-teer-ee-uhn) Greek
Many kids have a certain criterion about things, especially about people.
4. Emanate- to originate 
(em-uh-neyt) Latin
Many people from today emanate from people in Europe. 
5. Holistic- theory or practice
(hoh-lis-tik) 1926
Religions have holistic ideas about how Earth came about.
6. Placebo- to please someone or humour them
( plah-chey-boh) Middle English/Latin
Guys placebo girls all the time. 
7. Proficient- well advanced
(pruh-fish-uhnt) Latin
Doctors are proficient in the medical field, not like the internet. 

8. Staunch- loyal
(stawnch) Middle French
My dogs are so staunch, they always do what I command.
9. Subversive- to cause destruction 
(suhb-vur-siv) Latin
Kids are usually subversive to the house. 

10. Vindicate- to clear (from accusation, suspicion, etc..) 
(vin-di-keyt) Latin
People at court usually try to vindicate themselves.